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Preventing a line from connecting to another shape?

Is there any way to prevent a line from connecting to other shapes? Is there a property that I can set that will prevent a line from connecting?


2 Replies

DM Dinesh M Syncfusion Team January 21, 2010 11:49 AM UTC

Hi Ron,

You can use the following event to prevent the line connector from connecting to a shape.

diagram1.Model.EventSink.ConnectionsChanging += new CollectionExEventHandler(EventSink_ConnectionsChanging);

void EventSink_ConnectionsChanging(CollectionExEventArgs evtArgs)
evtArgs.Cancel = true;


AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 15, 2010 04:11 PM UTC

This example prevents any connection creating. How is it possible to allow the connection between to nodes, but after that, this exact connection could not be moved to another node or made disconnected from of of its nodes.

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