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RichTextCell - resize editable RichText window

Hi, I would like to know if its possible to risize in code the dropdown editable RichText window. Thanks in advance Nuno Santos

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 10, 2003 03:01 PM UTC

This is hard coded at Size(370, 240). If you wanted to change this, you could derive GridRichTextBoxCellModel and GridRichTextBoxCellRenderer. In GridRichTextBoxCellControl, override the CreateRenderer method to create a renderer from your derived class. In your derived GridRichTextBoxCellRenderer, override DropDownContainerShowingDropDown, and set DropDownContainer size at that point. There is actually an event that is fired from teh baseclass call (CurrentCellShowingDropDown) that has e.Size as an argument. So, in your override, you could call the baseclass, and then use e.Size to set the DropDownContainer.Size. This would let you subscribe to an event to set the size.

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