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CellValue with ANY object type

Is it possible to have a data source where the column type is any obitary object (say a custom collection etc.etc) and then have a custom cell renderer which uses the CellValue value during OnDraw to draw the custom object?

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 10, 2003 12:03 AM UTC

Yes, that should be possible. Check out the Samples\CellTypes\ComboboxCells sample for example. There you can find a DataRowView being stored as cell value and one of its the DataRowViews fields being displayed within the cell. Stefan

IO IOMS December 10, 2003 12:51 AM UTC

Thanks for the quick reply but.... That sample uses the non-bound grid and looks very complicated. ------ Here is a sample app which shows the problem and exactly what I'm trying to do. The CellValueType says it's an ArrayList which is correct but the CellValue just return a blank string!

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 10, 2003 07:15 AM UTC

Try using tbl.Columns.Add("col", typeof(object)); //.... row["col"] = new ArrayList(); instead of tbl.Columns.Add("col", typeof(ArrayList)); //... row["col"] = new ArrayList();

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