Hi Magdalena,
Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Products.
You can check for the cellmodel and get the button width and subtract it from the width calculated, to achieve the expected result. Here is some code for your reference handled in MouseMove event of gridcontrol to show the tooltip for the partially visible text in cell.
int row1, col1 = -1;
int colWidth;
void gridControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
int row, col;
if (this.gridControl1.PointToRowCol(new Point(e.X, e.Y), out row, out col) && (col != col1 || row != row1))
col1 = col;
row1 = row;
if (this.toolTip1 != null && this.toolTip1.Active)
this.toolTip1.Active = false;
Graphics g = CreateGraphics();
GridStyleInfo style = this.gridControl1[row, col];
if(style.CellType == "ComboBox")
colWidth = this.gridControl1.ColWidths[col] - style.TextMargins.Left - style.TextMargins.Right - style.CellModel.ButtonBarSize.Width;
colWidth = this.gridControl1.ColWidths[col] - style.TextMargins.Left - style.TextMargins.Right;
if (colWidth < g.MeasureString(style.Text, style.GdipFont).Width)
toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.gridControl1, this.gridControl1[row1, col1].Text);
toolTip1.Active = true;
Here is a sample attached for your reference in which this code has been implemented.