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DataSource in GDBG 2.0 beta

Hi! I`ve installed de beta of Essential Tools 2.0, recompiled the code and found that if the DataSource property of the GDBG is set to a DataView, the collum mappings does not work. Instead all of the collums in the View are displayed in the order specified by the database. How can I fix this? Thank you! P.S. I am very pleased to see that the scrooling issue (when large ammounts of data were displayed) is fixed.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 3, 2003 12:13 PM UTC

This is likely being caused by code in a ListChanged event handler, and should be fixed in the next beta release. If you have the source code, I think commenting out these lines and building new libraries will fix things. (If you use the Assembly Manager to force a rebuild on the Debug libraries, it will build everything you need and set things up to use these new debug libraries in your projects.) In Essential Suite\Grid\Src\Extensions\DataBound\GridModelDataBinder.cs(3615): case ListChangedType.Reset: this.ResetRecordState(); //this.ResetHierarchyLevels(); //this.MetaDataChanged(); break;

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