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Right view of vertical split does not show all columns when covered ranges are set


I'm using a splitter control on the grid to divide into 4 views. We added functionality to freeze columns so that horizontal scrolling affects only unfrozen columns (frozen
columns are moved to the left end), using GridControl's CoveredRanges property.

Here's the issue:
The views on the left of the vertical split shows all columns, and dragging the horizontal scrollbar moves only the unfrozen columns. But on the right of the split, the frozen columns are hidden - the scoll starts from the first unfrozen column. I would like both views to show all columns.

I would like to know if this is a bug with the splitter control.


VS 2003 .NET (Framework 1.1)
Windows XP

2 Replies

AK Alan Kin August 12, 2009 06:40 PM UTC

Nevermind, we are using CoveredRanges to do custom handling for freeze column functionality, and not using the typical FreezeRange() or FreezeSelection() methods. The behavior seen is due to our code and not to a bug with split views and freeze columns.


RP Rekha P Syncfusion Team August 31, 2009 05:18 AM UTC

Hi Alan,

Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved at your end and let us know if you have any other concerns.


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