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Virtual Grid .. Top? Bottom?

Hi all..i have the virtual grid displaying my custom database ..so far so good.. and I have the entire row selected when you click a row..my problem is that when I click on a row, the data just changes!! I have no idea why! and also, how do I know if I am at the top or the bottom of my datasource? I have 21000 records in my virtual datasource and I cant figure out how or when the gird is telling me that I have reached the bottom or top of my datasource? Any ideas? Thanks. Dave

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 25, 2003 09:24 AM UTC

When you click the row, the row is being redrawn which means QueryCellInfo is being hit. At that point your QueryCellInfo in responsible for retrieving the proper values for e.RowIndex. If you are not seeing the values you expect at this point, then you should check how you are retrieving the values from your external data source for the given e.RowIndex. In QueryCellInfo, the grid is asking for the data for a particular e.RowIndex, and whatever you provide will be what you see in that row in the grid. The grid can give you the current row (grid.CurrentCell.RowIndex), it can give you the TopRow (grid.TopRowIndex) and the last visible row, (grid.ViewLayout.LastVisibleRow). But in a virtual grid, the grid only has what knowledge of the total row count as you provide in QueryRowCount. So, if you want to know where you are, you would have to use one of the listed properties above, and compare it to the row count you provide in QueryRowCount.

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