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GridDataBoundGrid optimisations question

Hi, Im trying to optimize my GDBG to speed up the process of adding rows. I want to add a row to a possibly sorted GDBG and to avoid the cost of re-rendering the full screen. I notice that when using Grid.SetColHidden(), an optimisation comes into play such that only cells not visible before the operation are rendered, with the rest being handled by a much faster blitting operation. When using DataTable.Rows.Remove/Insert, I find that the entire grid is re-rendered, or at least a large potion of it. Certainly the performance is nowhere near the hide/show columns operation. Is there a path to inserting and removing datasource rows that enables the blit optimization?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 20, 2003 02:28 AM UTC

Not much you can do easily. But we'll add an option to the grid not to refresh all when the row count changes. Stefan

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