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Dataset Udate with NULL field

Hi all. In the following code how do I update my dtaset with "NULL" when the value of my TextBox17.Text="Null"?? Thank you. Peter '----------------- CODE --------------------------- strConn = ConnectionString() Dim ocon As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConn) ocon.Open() Dim sql5 As String 'This will be a true Add New Inspection sql5 = "Select * from Inspections" Dim daInspect As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Inspections", ocon) Dim Inspections As New DataSet() daInspect.FillSchema(Inspections, SchemaType.Source, "Inspections") daInspect.Fill(Inspections, "Inspections") Dim tblInspect As New DataTable() tblInspect = Inspections.Tables("Inspections") Dim drI As DataRow drI = tblInspect.NewRow If Not TextBox17.Text = "" Then drI("PropAddress1") = TextBox17.Text tblInspect.Rows.Add(drI) Dim objCommandBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(daInspect) daInspect.Update(Inspections, "Inspections") ocon.Dispose() daInspect.Dispose()

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