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How to have a hand cursor on a specified column of datagrid

Hello, On a datagrid, i try to have a hand cursor when the mouse in hover the second column. The code after don't work ! coud you help me please ..... Private Sub DataGrid1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.MouseMove Dim hti As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.HitTestInfo hti = DataGrid1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y) If hti.Type = System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.HitTestType.Cell Then If hti.Column = 1 Then Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand End If End If End Sub

1 Reply

SM Scott Montgomerie June 13, 2005 10:32 PM UTC

I have struggled with this for about a day now... I was trying to set event handlers on the MouseMove and MouseLeave events, but I kept getting a flickering in the icon, and it looked like I was fighting with the grid to set the Cursor. I discovered that it was trying to set the cursor to the MouseControllerDispatcher''s DisplayCursor, which was null. It turns out the proper way to fix this is to implement IMouseController: internal class MouseControllerDescendant: IMouseController { } my_grid.MouseControllerDispatcher.Add(new MouseControllerDescendant()); This class then implements a bunch of methods like HitTest, MouseHover, MouseEnter, etc., instead of using the usual event handlers. Hope this helps somebody and saves them a day of frustration! Cheers

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