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master - detail - detail datagrid & tablestyles

Hi, I used the code from the faq "How can I display master-details-details in three separate grids? " and I have trouble setting the tablestyles. I would like to hide and set the width of columns. Has anyone had any success with this? Thanks.

1 Reply

JU junaid November 7, 2003 07:49 PM UTC

Asalam O Alikum, This work is done using Dataset.First you Add All tables which have relation among them.For Example there are three tables Order,OrderDetails,Cutomers U fill data in dataset as with help of DataAdapter dataadapter1.fill(Ds,"customers") dataadapter1.fill(Ds,"orders") dataadapter1.fill(Ds,"orederdetails") then u add relation in dataset.at this moment i dont know syntax but i suggest u article to read it is too good.it fulfill ur requirement easily. the link is http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/08/DataGrids/default.aspx this is too good and interesting.must read it to concept more clead > Hi, I used the code from the faq "How can I display master-details-details in three separate grids? " and I have trouble setting the tablestyles. I would like to hide and set the width of columns. Has anyone had any success with this? Thanks. >

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