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Cells Colors

I have created a GridDataBound and it's data source i chose a DataTable . now , each time I add something to the DataTable it also appears on the GridDataBound . my problem is like this , I wanna change the background of one or more rows , or if that is not possible I wanna change cells colors . I tried changing the color of the cells like this : gridDataBound1 [ 1 , 1 ].BackColor = Color.Aqua but it won't change it ... why is that ? and how can I change a whole row or at least one cell . thanks for the help .

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 5, 2003 03:06 PM UTC

There are a couple of KB articles that discuss how to do this. http://www.syncfusion.com/KB/Grid/Grid_c35c.asp#q560q http://www.syncfusion.com/KB/Grid/Grid_c35c.asp#q561q

AL Alex November 5, 2003 03:29 PM UTC

but how do I call this function , it is an event and not a function . i want a function that recevies a primary key in the DataTable and changes the row color in the GridDataBound . please help me ...

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 5, 2003 04:14 PM UTC

You cannot call a function and change the color of a row in a GridDataBoundGrid. The reason is that there no properties stored on a row basis in a GridDataBoundGrid. Instead, you must listened for the PrepareViewStyleInfo event. There, if e.RowIndex and e.ColIndex point to a cell that you want to color, you should set e.Style.BackColor to the desired color. (This way, there is never any color saved for a particular cell or row. It is always provided on demand through this event). You can use grid.Binder.NameToColIndex to find out the column index for your key column. Attached is a little sample that colors any row whose 'primary key' value is divisible by 4.

AL Alex November 5, 2003 07:13 PM UTC

well , ok thanks I will try it tommorow at work and see if it works .

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