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Conditional Enable of Columns

Using a databound grid, I have 4 columns, 1 of which, say Column 1, is a combobox populated from a datasource. If the selected item in Column1 is "Other" then I want Column 2, of the same row, to be enabled, otherwise, disabled. Here's what I tried which does not work. It virtually hangs the grid, adds random rows to the bottom...its really funky what it does: private void Model_QueryCellInfo(object sender, GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex>0 && e.ColIndex==2) { if (gridControl1[e.RowIndex, 1].FormattedText == "Other") { gridControl1[e.RowIndex, 3].Enabled = true; e.Style.Enabled =true; e.Handled =true; //also tried not setting this } else { gridControl1[e.RowIndex, 3].Enabled = false; e.Style.Enabled =false; e.Handled =true; } } }

1 Reply

ER ERobishaw November 5, 2003 02:14 PM UTC

found it. Instead of setting grid[y,x].enabled = false only set the style.enabled=false. Eric

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