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Useful(less)ness of BrushInfo

BrushInfo while seeming to be one of the coolest classes contained within the Shared Syncfusion tools has appears to have a hideous side when examined more closely. First, I have been unable to use the MakeBlackAndWhite routine: Dim bi As BrushInfo = Me.mTitleBrush.MakeBlackAndWhite() Returns a NotSupport exception. Secondly, I have been unable to fill a region with a BrushInfo: Dim r As New Region(path) rushPaint.FillRegion(e.Graphics, r, Me.mTitleBrush) This appears to do nothing (if I use fill rectangle it works correctly). Thridly, I cannot obtain a Brush object from a BrushInfo object even though BrushInfo encapsulates all the data to make a brush (minus bounds). And finally, I have no way to make a Gray Scale version of my brush (unless the make black & white method does that, but it doesnt work so I cant tell). Also, I would like to know what use the FontUtil class is. The constructors of Font provide this functionality as far as I can tell. Please explain. Thanks, Brian Bacon

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 30, 2003 03:51 PM UTC

Hi Brian, Our apologies for the inconveniences caused and we appreciate your feedback on these issues. Please see my responses below : 1. & 2. BrushInfo's MakeBlackAndWhite and BrushPaint.FillRegion methods had bugs in them, which have now been fixed internally and the fixes are expected to be included in the next build of Essential Suite. 3. We have considered this - 'ability to obtain a Brush object from BrushInfo object', as a feature request (QA# 332) and will try our best to incorporate it in our future releases. 4. To get a gray scale version of your brush, please cutomize the DrawShadow and DrawGrayedImage methods present in Syncfusion.Drawing.DrawingUtils. 5. There could be a situation where a particular Font does not support certain sizes or styles. The FontUtil.CreateFont class catches exception thrown in such situations and tries an alternative font that is the most close to what you originally wanted. For example, if a specific font does not support the bold style, it will just create a regular font without bold. Please feel free to contact me if you need any other information. Thanks for choosing Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

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