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GDBG ResizeToFit method seems not conside image width

When using grdData.Model.ColWidths.ResizeToFit method to resize a column in ResizingColumns event handler, ResizeToFit method seems not considering the image width if the column has a image.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 30, 2003 06:20 AM UTC

Are you putting the image in the cells using style.ImageIndex and style.ImageList? If so, after the call to resize to fit, you could add a line that adjust the sizing to take into account the image width, maybe code like grid.Model.ColwWidths[col] += myImageList.ImageSize.Width; If you are getting the image in teh cell some other way (BackGround or ???), then you could explicitly set the col width base on the image.width that you are putting into the cell. Will this allow you to work around this problem?

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