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GridControl to display max columns possible

I am attempting to implement the following functionality using the grid control: Lets say I have a column of letters of the alphabet (in alphabetical order) in a grid control on a form. What I would like, is to show as many columns as possible on the grid control without a vertical scrollbar appearing. For instance, if the user sizes the window as narrow as possible, then I would have 1 column of 26 rows. But if the window was made a little wider, then the grid control would display 2 columns of 13 rows (with the first row being A,B, the second C,D etc.) Is it possible to set the grid control so that it displays the maximum number of columns in a view or do I need to do this programmatically? Thanks, Vikram

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 28, 2003 02:06 PM UTC

There are no property settings that would allow you to do this. You would have to code things. I think it is doable, and would probably try to use a virtual grid to implement things. When the grid's size changes (or in the grid's Layout event), you could compute and set the number of columns. Then in QueryCellInfo, you could provide the values. It would probably take a little tweaking to get things working smoothly...

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