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Drag & Drop of own TreeNodes

I use an tree view with different types of tree nodes. My own TreeNodes are derived from TreeNode and some of the derived classes implement an Interface IMyInterface. In the tree view class I have different event handler for drag and drop. I want to check if the dragged node implements IMyInterface and than do something with the data. How can I do this with DragEventArgs e e.Data.GetDataPresent(...)/e.Data.GetData(...). Is it possible to use e.Data.GetData(...) with the interface? I cant' find it. My workaround is to create a new DataObject in ItemDrag and to use it with DoDragDrop: DataObject data = new DataObject("System.Object",e.Item); DoDragDrop(data, DragDropEffects.Link); and then to get an object like this: Object o = e.Data.GetData(typeof(Object)); if (o is IMyInterface) doSomething(); Is there another way to implement this? Thanks in advance. Diana Please send your response via email to Diana.Krapf@gmx.de as well.

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