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PopupControlContainer confused.

Can you think of a reason why the IsShowing property of the Popup Control Container is alway reading false. I worked around this by assigning the enabled property when showing then reading that. Why do I have to spend so much time on simple crap that doen't work the way it was designed? I'd rather be worrying about result of my calculations than a control that doesn't know what state it's in. I feel like I'm some sick reality show where a programmer is given project and will receives a great big prize if they are able finish in the time allowed. All the time behind the scene some SOB is able to mess with his code. Hey, that sounds pretty good; I think I’ll pitch that to the networks, what should I call it? I got it, Visual Studio! Sorry just had to vent.
Happy Trails,

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 12, 2009 11:35 AM UTC

Hi Martin,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

When clicking on the child control inside the PopupControlContainer , you could see that IsShowing method returns true.

Please refer the below sample and let me know if you have any questions.


In the above sample, you can see the Output window showing true when clicking on ComboBox inside the PopupControlContainer.


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