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First Click on Datarow makes the Scroll Bar jump

I have a GGC bound to a custom implementation of BindingList.

The Row model is very wide; so when the items are added to the Grid; I have a Hscroll bar.

If the user adds a row; then drags the scroll bar such that a previously hidden column is not exposed; and clicks on a previously hidden cell; I would expect the cell to receive the focus; However; the scroll bar automatically drags to the extreme left; and a cell which would have been in the place of the mouse click had the scroll bar not initially been moved gets selected.

and this only happens the first time. Is there a way to prevent this behavior.


1 Reply

RC Rajadurai C Syncfusion Team February 9, 2009 07:35 AM UTC

Hi Sameer,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.

Please refer to the following sample in which grid is binded to custom collection using IBindingList.

In this sample, on adding a new record to ggc, even the cell in the right most column is set focussed before, the grid scrolled to the leftmost column with the current cell set to newly added record. I couldn't reproduce any unexpected behavior.

Please let me know if this helps. If it seems i misunderstood the issue, please try to replicate the issue in the attached sample and provide us.


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