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How to restrain display the data in a gridControl

Like the follow code : gridControl1.Model.PopulateValues(GridRangeInfo.Cells(1,1,intNumROW,intNumCOl), Datasource); when the value of the Datasource is >0 then I will display it ,or I display a blank. How to do this?

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 13, 2003 12:11 PM UTC

You can handle the PrepareViewStyleInfo event and then change e.Style.Text if e.Style.CellValue is less than 0. Check out the D:\Syncfusion 1.6\Essential Suite\Grid\Samples\DataBound\GDBGMultiHeader sample. It handles the PrepareViewStyleInfo event. Stefan

KI Kis October 14, 2003 06:06 AM UTC

thanks Stefan very much!

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