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custom data binding sample code

Hi, Is there any sample code on how to create a custom data binding object? ie. An object which can be used like: GridDataBoundGrid.DataSource = myCustomObject; I can't find any really good samples that describe what I need to do in order to make this possible. I think the Syncfusion docs say to implement IListSource and/or IList but no samples are available. My specific situation consists of an outer collection which contains one or more uniformly sized inner collections of floats. I'd like to bind a grid to the outer collection. And have it not only display the data correctly but also update it. And handle row and col headers as well. Any help greatly appreciated. -Peter

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 8, 2003 09:44 AM UTC

Check out the following sample: \Essential Suite\Grid\Samples\DataBound\Hierarchical\Customers It binds the grid to an IList. Let me know if you need more information. Stefan

PZ Peter Zaborski October 10, 2003 02:50 PM UTC

Thanks for the pointer but I could use a more relevant sample if possible. My situation is slightly different from the customer sample. I have the following objects (simplified for this example): Data = Class which implements IList and contains a float[]. Collection = Class containing an ArrayList of Data objects. This class has a public property called DataSource which returns the ArrayList. I am using grid.DataSource = Collection.DataSource for my attempt to bind the grid to the collection. I would like the grid & collection bound so that each row dipslays the entire float[] from the corresponding Data object. Instead, each row displays each Data object's public properties. Any samples which do something close to this? I think I have an extra level of nesting in my case which the cutomer sample does not.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 10, 2003 03:17 PM UTC

I would have to try and work on such a sample first. But let me first explain what the grid is looking for: When you set the .DataSource for the grid it will check if the data source is IList derived and then it will check if the IList has a strongly typed indexer. If that is the case then the returned type of the strongly typed indexer is checked. So make sure the DataSource you assign to the grid has a indexer like MyData this[int index] { get; set; } The next thing is MyData should have a public default constructor that does not need any arguments. This is because the grid will try to instantiate a sample object of MyData. Once the grid has access to a instance of MyData it will then query the object for its fields. I am right now not sure if it will detect float[]. I need to take a closer look. If it does not work we will have to add support for that in the grid source code then. A workaround would be then to implement ITypedList in the collection that you assign to .DataSource Stefan

PZ Peter Zaborski October 10, 2003 03:20 PM UTC

That helps a lot, thanks. Any sample you can provide would be great but this gives me a great place to start. -Peter

FA Faulhaber July 19, 2007 02:48 PM UTC

Hello Stefan,

it's an old thread, but it's the only matching topic i found

>So make sure the DataSource you assign to the grid has a indexer like
>MyData this[int index] { get; set; }
>The next thing is MyData should have a public default constructor that does not need any arguments.
>This is because the grid will try to instantiate a sample object of MyData.

I have an object like described above, but the "MyData" object contains a list of objects that represents the columns.
But the problem is that i can't initialize a sample object in the parameterless constructor because of the dynamic columns.

In the DataTable-object a new row is created by the table.NewRow() method with the defined schema of the table. The DataTable doesn't have an idexer, what does the grid there and what have i to do to implement this?

I hope you can give me a hint.


HA haneefm Syncfusion Team July 20, 2007 10:59 PM UTC

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your update.

I have tested the attached sample to reproduce this issue, but could not get this. Maybe I am not following the steps that you are doing. Is it possible for you to upload us a minimal sample to reproduce the issue here? This will help us to analyse the issue further.

Sample : AddColumnCollection.zip

Best regards,

FA Faulhaber July 23, 2007 07:59 AM UTC

Hello Haneef,

i got my problem solved. I had to implement the "ITypedList"-interface that the grid creates the columns.

Thank you for your efforts.


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