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xlsio .NET 2.0 Assemblies -> RequiredTargetFramework 3.5

When I reference any of the following xlsio (in Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\\2.0) assemblies in a .NET 2.0 project (in VS2008):

- syncfusion.core.dll
- syncfusion.xlsio.base.dll
- Syncfusion.Compression.Base.dll

I get this error:

'syncfusion.core.dll' or one of its dependencies, requires a later version of the .NET Framework than the one specified in the project...

I have also noticed that the following is added, for each assembly mentioned above, to the .csproj file:


Is it not possible to use the 2.0 assemblies without targeting the 3.5 version of the .NET Framework?

Any help much appreciated

1 Reply

RS Ramani S Syncfusion Team September 15, 2008 11:38 AM UTC

Hi Carl,

Thank you for choosing Syncfusion products.

Please open the assembly manager from dashboard and choose remove all version option. It will remove all the assemblies from GAC and public assemblies folders.

Then using assembly manager choose install version It will install assemblies in GAC and public assemblies folders.

Please remove any older version assemblies if any found and also remove 3.5 assemblies from GAC and public assemblies folders.

Then open VS 2008 and add the references to your project and make sure it refers only 2.0 from properties window.

Compile and run the project.

Please let me know if this helps.


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