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Capturing Cell .Text changes

Hi I've written my own Cell Model & Cell renderer classes for the grid which allow me to have my own custom cells. The question is, from within either my Cell Model or Cell Renderer, is there any way of capturing when the .Text property is modified from the grid level (EG grid[1,1].Text = "ABC") so my cell model can format (or process) the text that has just been set? Thanks Martin

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 1, 2003 01:07 PM UTC

Check out the following virtual methods: GridCellModelBase.ApplyText GridCellModelBase.GetText and the following events: SaveCellText QueryCellText fyi - if you set/get FormattedText then check out these: GridCellModelBase.ApplyFormattedText GridCellModelBase.GetFormattedText SaveFormattedText QueryFormattedText Stefan

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