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sorting integers in columns typeof(System.String)

Hi, one of my datatable contains a column typeof(string). these column contains text and numbers and is connected as a gridboundcolumn in the databoundgrid. when i sort (by dblclick col-header), the result is: 1 10 11 2 20 abc --------------------------------------- but i need the result: 1 2 10 11 20 abc --------------------------------------- in integer columns it works fine. to set the styleinfo for the column was not succesfuly. gbc.StyleInfo.CellValueType = typeof(Int64); is there a way to sort string-colums like integer-columns? greeting markus p.s. the sort sample has the same behavor when sorted mixed content in string-columns.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 1, 2003 12:58 PM UTC

Right now there is no easy way. But, I'll add some method overloads to GridData that will let you pass in a custom comparer for the styles/values. With these changes you can then do the following: 1) Call SortByColumn with custom comparer object this.gridControl1.Data.SortByColumn(col,(ListSortDirection)this.gridControl1[0, col].Tag, new CustomComparer()); 2) This is how such comparer object can look like. public class CustomComparer : IComparer { #region IComparer Members public int Compare(object x, object y) { GridStyleInfoStore style1 = x as GridStyleInfoStore; GridStyleInfoStore style2 = y as GridStyleInfoStore; object val1 = null; object val2 = null; if (style1 != null) val1 = style1.GetValue(GridStyleInfoStore.CellValueProperty); if (style2 != null) val2 = style2.GetValue(GridStyleInfoStore.CellValueProperty); if (val1 == null && val2 == null) return 0; else if (val1 == null) return -1; else if (val2 == null) return 1; else { try { // You could now implement here your own custom compare technique ... if (val1 is IComparable && val2 is IComparable) { int r = ((IComparable) val1).CompareTo(val2); return r; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return val1.ToString().CompareTo(val2.ToString()); } } #endregion } Change will be in the next builds and/or 2.0.0.x next time we release a new build. Stefan

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