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"Divide by Zero" error

Has anyone experienced the attached "Divide by Zero" error? We have never encountered this issue within our own development environment, but a client gets this error and it appears to be caused from somewhere within the ChartWebControl.

We have the exact same data and application setup in our development environment and we still cannot reproduce this error.

If you have experienced this, what did you do to get around it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



1 Reply

J. J.Nagarajan Syncfusion Team June 17, 2008 09:26 AM UTC

Hi Stephen ,

Thank you for your update.

It is hard to trace why this exception is arising without seeing it in a live application. We have searched our support database for any mention of this problem, and your incident was the only hit. This is a new one for us.

Is there any possible way for you to provide us with a sample that shows this exception? Can you reproduce it in one of our samples? It will be easier for us to have a closer look into the problem and to resolve it.

We appreciate your patience, and Thank you for the interest shown in syncfusion Product.

Kindly let us know if you have any questions regarding this issue. We will be glad to assist you.

Best regards,

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