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XpToolbar too slow

Hi I am using version of syncfusion, if i remove the toolbar from my form, it gets loaded immediately, considerably good performance i am using a xptoolbar with 15 items inside it having images and text. and another xptoolbar having only one item (Help), because we cannot have a baritem right aligned in a form. i am using imagelist for loading images. but if i have a base form and put my xptoolbar there and inherit this while creating my form it is fast.but due to practical reasons i cannot have a base form. any other directives for improving the performance of the form having toolbar will be helpful Thanks Rajaraman

2 Replies

AS Arun Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 22, 2003 01:01 PM UTC

Rajaraman, Have you taken a look at the following Knowledgebase article: 1.4 Why is there delay in some of the Syncfusion Controls when showed the first time? We recommend, that you pre-jit your application and our assemblies when you install on the client machine and you should notice improved performance. Arun

ST Steve November 3, 2003 01:05 PM UTC

I too am using the XP tool bar and have found the creation of the tool bar and initial form loading to be slow. Using a profiler the following function is the slowest in my application: void Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.XPMenus.MainFormNativeWnd.WndProc(ref Message m) Pre-jitting does improve performance, but not too a satisfactory level. I am using multiple menu items and toolbars in my application. Would creating a base form to inherit with this tool bar speed things up? Any assistance would be very much appreciated. Thanks,

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