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Updated assemblies for .NET framework v1.1

Is there another update forthcoming with updated assemblies for the v1.1 .NET framework? I'm having some problems with Visual Studio .NET ever since I upgraded to 2003 and from what I can gather on the newsgroups, the problems might be caused by old assemblies. The Syncfusion.Grid and Syncfusion.Shared are the only assemblies in my project that are still at 1.0 and they might be causing the problems (the problems are not associated with the grid itself, but are general IDE bugs, i.e. intellisense, 'pretty code', undo, etc. stop working in some classes).

2 Replies

SH Sue Harris September 18, 2003 10:08 PM UTC

I think Syncfusion don't want to release v1.1 specific assemblies as it would prevent v1.0 people from using them (I'll leave the final word on that up to them). That being said, I'm running Visual Studio 2003 (with the v1.1 .NET framework) and aren't having any problems. Perhaps a reinstall might help you (of both VS and Syncfusion). Regards, Sue

DO Don September 19, 2003 02:54 PM UTC

>Perhaps a reinstall might help you (of both VS and Syncfusion). That doesn't work.

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