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Docking manager version 2.0 properties

Docking manager has a property "Float Only". Is there a corresponding "Slide Only" property e.g. if I want my docked window to have the sliding behaviour and not allow the user to detach and float the docked window from the main WinForm how would I do this? Also is there a way of disabling the "close window" - "cross" at the top-right-hand corner of the sliding window?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 19, 2003 03:43 PM UTC

Hi Al, There is no corresponding "Float Only" property but you could use the SetAutoHideButtonVisibility() method as shown below to hide the push pin : this.dockingManager1.SetAutoHideButtonVisibility(this.panel1,false); You could use the following code to hide the close "cross" : this.dockingManager1.CloseEnabled = false; You will have to use the above code within the NewDockStateEndLoad event handler to get the desired effect. I have attached a sample that shows how this can be accomplished. I have also updated your incident on Direct Trac. Please let me know if this helps. Thank you. Regards, Guru Patwal.

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