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DerivedCellControl style.Tag problems

I've derived a cell model and renderer class similar to the LinkedLabel sample code. In the OnDraw() method there is a style parameter. I'd like to pass an object reference in style.Tag to the cellrenderer.OnDraw() method. First, I created a UserControl class and added a grid to it. In the constructor I add the custom cell type to the grid. Next I wrote an UpdateDataContents() method that populates the grid. In the loop I set the grid[x,y].CellType to the custom cell type specified in the constructor. I also set the grid[x,y].Tag to the object reference to pass in to the derived cell model/renderer classes. The problem I'm running into is the style.Tag in the custom renderer class is always null. I verified that the style.CellModel.Name property in the OnDraw method is correct. What coud I be missing? Is there a better way to display a cell that contains two different font sizes?

1 Reply

RM Roy Muller August 6, 2002 02:13 PM UTC

I'm not sure why, but when I deleted the grid from my UserControl and added it back in, it worked; I now see the Tag object reference in my custom cell rendering class. There is still a small difference between my code and the LinkedLabel sample code; VStudio adds a TableStyle to the grid in the InitializeComponent() method of my UserControl class whereas the sample code doesn't use VStudio's Form Designer. My problem is solved, but I believe there are bugs lurking in the VStudio form designer interface. It seem that the most reliable way to set properties is with code outside the form designer.

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