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ComboBoxAdv and Ms-Access

Greetings, I would like to have some of the properties that Ms-Access provides in its combo-box, namely: 1- LimitToList: user can only choose from the list or can type in text NOT in the list) 2- LimitToListText: message to display when LimitToList=True and user keys in a value not in the list In addition the previouse: 3- (IncludeAll) and (IncludeAllText): add a option to the list 4- (IncludeNull) and (IncludeNullText): this property is already applied in the DateTimePickerExt and ofcourse the famouse (READONLY) Do you have any suggestions as how to implement these properties. I know I should create a new user control that inherits from ComboBoxAdv BUT I need help as to how to implement the logic of these properties Thanx

2 Replies

AS Arun Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 15, 2003 11:43 AM UTC

Omar, A quick update for now. I did discuss these suggestions with the Development Team and I will get back to you on this as soon as I get more information on this issue. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. Arun

AS Arun Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 18, 2003 10:28 AM UTC

Hi Omar, 1. This can be done by setting the DropDownStyle to DropDownList. 2. This can be easily implemented by listening to the Validating or TextChanged event and then showing a message box if the SelectedIndex in the combo is -1. 3-4: The DateTimePicker explicitly allows you to specify a NullText because it usually shows only date-time text. Whereas in the case of a combobox, it lets you show ANY text, one of which could be a “Null” text or “All” text. So, the question arises whether there a real need for such property(s). Thanks for your feeback and do let us know if you have any further questions. Arun

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