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Filter GridControl

Hi, Is there a mean to apply a filter on GridControl rows ? I'm not connected to a DataSource and I use the control to display data only. But I'd like to set filters on the columns (by text). Can it be done other than manually ? Thank you.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 8, 2003 02:22 PM UTC

Currently, there is no support in GridControl for filtering. So, if you need to support filtering, you would have to design and implement some way to do it. One way you could do this is to maintain an arraylist of visible row indexes. Then handle the QueryCellInfo event and QueryRowCount event. Use QueryRowCount to provide the arraylist.Count as the number of rows in the grid. Then in QueryCellInfo use the arraylist to get the proper visible row. The VirtTreeGrid sample uses sort of this technique to dynamically display differing numbers of rows. It would take some coding, but I think it is doable.

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