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Designing Windows Forms with FlowLayout


I am having huge challenges with designing my UI with the use of FlowLayout. There are many inflexibility in terms of if I need to move the control from one location to a different location, it doesn't allow me to do that.

What is the logic behind how the controls are ordered. It will be like I will need to design the form in the reverse order. Also, if I need to move one control from position 1 to position 5, it will not allow.

This problem is not there in the Windows FlowLayoutPanel. I have the flexibility in moving the controls around and they get ordered accordingly.

Is there anything I'm missing with Syncfusion FlowLayout ?

1 Reply

BP Bhuvaneswari P Syncfusion Team September 24, 2007 01:16 PM UTC

Hi Pradeep,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

We have made this controls re-arrangement using flowlayout as a feature request # 734. You can keep track of the following link to know the status of this issue.

Feature Request # 734 - Ability to rearrange the controls laid out by flow layout in the designer.

We will try our very best to implement this feature at the earliest and keep you informed.

Best Regards,

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