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In the .Net editor the text in the Intellisense tooltip for functions is bolded for the currently edited parameter. Does Syncfusion have the same ability? Example: if I have a function f(int a, double b) and I invoke it in my code, when I type "f(" I get a tooltip that displays the signature, and "int a" in bold. After I type "f(3,", the bold moves to "double b".

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 29, 2003 07:32 PM UTC

Hi Bruno, Thanks for your valuable suggestion. Presently Essential Edit does not have an Intellisense tooltip for functions in which the currently edited parameter is bolded. However, we have logged a feature request (QA# 244) in this regard, and will try our best to include this feature in our future releases. Regards, Guru Patwal.

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