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Grouping and multi-value

Consider the following ungrouped grid. Notice that the Hobbies field is multi valued. Name State Hobbies Gregg Reed IN Hiking, Swimming Don Conrad IN Sitting around, Standing on Head Jason Foote IN Sitting around When I group this grid by Hobby I need it to display as follows: Name State Hiking: -1 Items(s) Gregg Reed IN Sitting around: -2 Items(s) Don Conrad IN Jason Foote IN Standing on Head: -1 Items(s) Don Conrad IN Swimming: -1 Items(s) Gregg Reed I would bet that syncfusion’s grouping functionality would handle this if I knew how it expected to see a multi-valued cell. Outlook does it when you group a multi-valued item like categories in the task window. So how do I do it? Is it an array, comma delimited, : delimited….. Thanks for your help

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 28, 2003 02:39 PM UTC

As it stands now one record can only belong to one group. We don't have the concept for a multi-valued cell and would have to look into it how to enable this. A straightforward way to get such grouping now would be to split the records such that only one occurs for each record, e.g: Name State Hobbies Gregg Reed IN Hiking Gregg Reed IN Swimming Don Conrad IN Sitting around Don Conrad IN Standing on Head Jason Foote IN Sitting around Would this work? We could actually then later add a special mode in the grid where you could "kind of" group by Name and then display the hobbies on the same line as the name and state. But again, I would first have to put more thought into this. Can I also ask you to post questions regarding the grouping via Direct-Trac/Support (and also continue the discussion there) since we have not release a beta yet. Thanks, Stefan

GR Gregg Reed February 3, 2004 07:17 PM UTC

Just curious is there has been any changes to they way the grouping grid “could” treat multi-value fields. I currently have one ds with three tables that feed a list of 20 or so “views”. Each view takes a table from the ds and groups, sorts, then displays in a grouping grid. The xml representation of my dataset is already over 18MB. If I need to create a new table for each multi-value field it is going to take forever to load. Thanks

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 3, 2004 10:09 PM UTC

Sorry - didn''t get a chance yet to revisit this topic. It is still such that a record can only belong to one group. Stefan

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