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Could someone please email me the latest and greatest InPlaceRichTextCell VB version?


5 Replies

AJ Ajish Syncfusion Team September 5, 2007 10:11 PM UTC

Hi Sudha ,

The RichText cell control in the library allows you to edit richtext via a dropdown panel. It does not allow you to edit the text in-place.

You can derive the GridRichTextBoxCellModel and GridRichTextBoxCellRenderer classes to use an embedded RichTextBox in the cell to do the active editing. Attached are samples that do this.

To use this control, you would include the InPlaceRichTextCell.vb file in your project, and then register the new CellControl using grid.CellModels.Add. The attached samples show how to use this method for both a GridControl or a GridDataBoundGrid.


Kindly take a look and let me know if you need any further assistance.


SR Sudharsini Ravikumar September 5, 2007 11:38 PM UTC


I used the sample sent by you and dropped a grid control to my form. Added the Richtext cell model. Got some sample RTF data (hard coded as string in style.cellValue. I have about 200 something rows in the grid where about 10 are picture box cells.

It is slow to paint the view (may b I could Begin update and end update to fix this). But anyways the probelm is I don't see RichText or for that matter any text in the cells. I don't know what mistake I'm doing. Could you please help?

I have the following code..
'Add the Richtext cell model
Me.GridControl1.CellModels.Add("InPlaceRTB", New InPlaceRichTextCellModel(Me.GridControl1.Model))

'Remove all rows
Me.GridControl1.Rows.RemoveRange(0, Me.GridControl1.Model.RowCount())

'For every record add a row and set its properties
For I As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
Me.GridControl1.Rows.InsertRange(I, 1)
style = Me.GridControl1(I, 1)
lngObjTypeID = dt.Rows(I)("ObjTypeID")
If lngObjTypeID = "TEXT"
style.CellType = "InPlaceRTB"
style.CellValue = dt.Rows(I)("DisplayText")
style.AllowEnter = True
End If

Thanks Sudha

AJ Ajish Syncfusion Team September 6, 2007 10:37 PM UTC

Hi Sudha,

There doesn't seem to be any problem with the code provided. It should work fine. In fact it is the same code that is used in the sample provided in the previous update. Could please provide us with a test sample this would help us to investigate further on this issue.


SR Sudharsini Ravikumar September 6, 2007 11:34 PM UTC

I have many probelms with the grid.

1. Resizing -- My grid is docked to the parent form. So when I resize the form the grid gets resized. Then I have a handler to QueryColResize to resize the only column in my grid to fill the entire width of the grid. When this is done I expected the gird to resize the heights so that the row heights fit the content. It doesn't.

2. When I paste using the Paste Context menu in RTB it throws an exception.

Could you please help me with these 2 issues?

The attached sample has both the problems.



AJ Ajish Syncfusion Team September 7, 2007 05:59 PM UTC

Hi Sudha,

Thank you for the details.

We are able to note a similar issue reported in Direct Trac Incident # 37117 and it has been updated. Please follow the details of the issue in it.


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