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DataboundGrid with DateTimePicker cell type

Hi, We have a databound grid where we expect the user to enter a date and time (E.g.: appointment). The option we have is a MonthCalendar cell type with cell format. Lot of the times, our users forget to enter the time part. This is not as user friendly as a DateTimePickerExt with date and time. Is there anyway I can get a DateTimePickerExt celltype? thanks, - Reddy

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 25, 2003 09:21 PM UTC

You would have to derive CellModel and CellRenderer classes to use a DateTimePickerExt. You could try modeling things after the MonthCalendar cell. You would also probably want to handle the renderer.OnKeyDown method to manage the arrow keys.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 26, 2003 10:33 AM UTC

Clay, Is there any chance of adding this to your next release? thanks, - Reddy

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 27, 2003 10:18 AM UTC

A datetimepicker cell will not be in 2.0. Our schedule is too tight. Attached is an initial try at this celltype. It only uses the spinner and keyboard to manage things (not showing the dropdown calendar). But if you want to edit time and dates with the keyboard and spinner, then it might serve your needs. One thing I did not is that our DateTimePickerExt is putting an extra blank in front of the year. This causes a little bounce when the cell activates unless the year is the first item. Also, there does not appear to be a horizontal alignment property for the DateTimePickerExt, so if you right-align the static cells, there is a bounce when you activate the datetimepicker.

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