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How do I set focus off the grid

Hi, I do have a GridDataBoundGrid and I do display data in it. When I click on a button (Edit) I turn the EnableEdit ON and I move the the top-left cell and set the focus on the grid. The cell becomes active ( I guess I do thing correctly) If I want to go back in Lookup mode, I press the Lookup button on my form, clear the grid (clearing the data source) but sometimes a value still remain in the current cell or the current cell still stays active. How do I remove the focus off of the current cell ?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 18, 2003 07:03 PM UTC

By clearing the DataSource, do you mean soing something like: myDataTable.Rows.Clear(); to remove all rows from the underlying datatable that is the DataSource for the grid? If so, before doing that, also try calling: this.grid.CurrentCell.EndEdit(); this.grid.Binder.EndEdit(); You may have to condifitionally call these EndEdit by first checking grid.CurrentCell.IsEditing and grid.Binder.IsEditing.

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