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Edit a child node in a GridGroupingControl, not updating the DataTable?

I must be missing something, but I have a simple GridGroupingControl that is wired up to a parent and child datatable.
when a user edits a value in a child node the grid displays the value, but the child DataTable still contains the old value.

Am I missing something?


1 Reply

JS Jeba S Syncfusion Team July 19, 2007 06:39 AM UTC

Hi John,

Please try calling the Table.EndEdit method for the related table. This will update the underlying datasource if any changes is detected or try setting Table.TableDirty = true. This property indicates to the engine that it needs to re-categorize elements when the underlying datasource is updated. Or you can use the Engine.ResetTable method to re-categorize the records.

Kindly let us know if this helps.

Best Regards,

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