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How to bind different data in groupping grid column.

I have attached sample layout of matrix type data in groupping grid control. I want to know how to bind different data type values in column. Please help..

Thanks & Regards,
Sudhir Waghchaure


4 Replies

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team July 4, 2007 04:54 PM UTC

Hi Sudhir,

You can use the object data column type to store the different datatype value in your underlying datasource. Below is the attached sample that shows you "How to bind different data in groupping grid column?" and let me know if this helps.


Best regards,

SW Sudhir Waghchaure July 5, 2007 09:09 AM UTC

HI Haneef,

I have one problem that is how to set Row Header in this e.g.

>Hi Sudhir,

You can use the object data column type to store the different datatype value in your underlying datasource. Below is the attached sample that shows you "How to bind different data in groupping grid column?" and let me know if this helps.


Best regards,

SW Sudhir Waghchaure July 5, 2007 09:09 AM UTC

HI Haneef,

I have one problem that is how to set Row Header in this e.g.

>Hi Sudhir,

You can use the object data column type to store the different datatype value in your underlying datasource. Below is the attached sample that shows you "How to bind different data in groupping grid column?" and let me know if this helps.


Best regards,

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team July 5, 2007 03:33 PM UTC

Hi Sudhir,

Try setting the TableOptions.ShowRowHeader property to hide/show the column(rowheader) of the Grid. Here is a code snippet

this.gridGroupingControl1.TableOptions.ShowRowHeader = false;

Best Regards,

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