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GridGroupingControl and CurrentCell Behavior

Hello. I am using the GridGroupingControl v. with .NET Framework v1.1. and I would like to disable CurrentCell functionality. I am using the grid for display purposes only, and as such have successfully disabled row/record selections, but when clicking into the grid, the CurrentCell still appears. What properties and/or style information should I modify to prevent any visual indicators for the CurrentCell from appearing? I do not need to prevent a CurrentCell from being set in the underlying grid model; I simply need to modify the appearance of the grid such that the CurrentCell does not appear to the user.

Any help you can provide is appreciated.

2 Replies

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team June 20, 2007 03:29 PM UTC

Hi John,

Try setting these property.

this.gridGroupingControl1.TableModel.Options.ShowCurrentCellBorderBehavior = GridShowCurrentCellBorder.HideAlways;
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableModel.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior = GridCellActivateAction.None;

Best regards,

JO John June 20, 2007 07:45 PM UTC

Hi Haneef,

The supplied code provided the necessary functionality.

Thanks for your prompt response!

>Hi John,

Try setting these property.

this.gridGroupingControl1.TableModel.Options.ShowCurrentCellBorderBehavior = GridShowCurrentCellBorder.HideAlways;
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableModel.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior = GridCellActivateAction.None;

Best regards,

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