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Error trying to use control


Juts installed 51051 and trying to add a control to the aspx page, recieving this error:

Microsoft Visual Studio
Control cannot be created because Visual Studio cannot find the control's type in the control assembly.
OK Help

Any advise would be appreciated.


2 Replies

RA Ramu Syncfusion Team June 11, 2007 03:40 PM UTC

Hi Lee,

I have tried dragging the Syncfusion tools from tool box to the aspx form and was not able to see the issue.

Could you please let me know the name of the control you faced the issue and the version of Visual studio version you tested also could you please let us know the machine information.

Please follow the below steps to solve your issue.

Run the “Re-initialize Visual Studio.NET Toolbox” from the dashboard and make sure that you have version of version of tools present in the text box.

Could you provide us with the screen shot with the error if your issue is not solved?

Thank you for your interest in Essential Studio.


LD Lee Diggins June 13, 2007 09:41 AM UTC

Hi Ramu

I have fixed this. I had some older version in my masterpage, once I removed this the controls were able to be added without any problems.



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