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XP Style Icons

Where can I find a set of XP style icons, such as cut, copy, past, new, open and all the other standard ones that are used for programming? thanks

7 Replies

AS Arun Srinivasan Syncfusion Team August 4, 2003 04:33 PM UTC

Hi Ne These icons are in the shell32.dll located in the system\windows32 folder. Arun

NE Ne August 5, 2003 06:03 PM UTC

Thanks, there were many Icons in there. However, the ones such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Printer I did not see. Are those around anywhere? thanks

AS Arun Srinivasan Syncfusion Team August 6, 2003 10:34 AM UTC

Hi Ne Yes these icons are part of the shell32.dll. You can use an icon extraction utlility like Icon Sucker to extract these icons. Arun

L. L.A.Marco August 8, 2003 02:29 PM UTC

I tried as well with the Free Icon Sucker and I could not find the Cut, Copy, Paste icons as well.

LL Lance Levendowski August 12, 2003 11:35 PM UTC

"You can use an icon extraction utlility like Icon Sucker to extract these icons." Is this illegal? Does MS allow you to extract icons and then use them in your app?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 21, 2003 11:45 AM UTC

Hi Lance, "You can use an icon extraction utlility like Icon Sucker to extract these icons." I think that the above statement by our support engineer should be modified to read '..subject to copyright laws'. We are not quite sure about the rights that come with each icon. It may well be that the copyright holder does not allow any use of the icon. Icon Sucker provides a nice interface for Icon extraction from existing programs but you should always check with the copyright owner to see whether reuse is permitted. Best regards, Daniel Syncfusion, Inc > "You can use an icon extraction utlility like Icon Sucker to extract these icons." > > Is this illegal? Does MS allow you to extract icons and then use them in your app?

MH Mat Hess August 23, 2003 07:29 AM UTC

You can find a nice collection of toolbar images at a reasonable price at www.glyfx.com

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