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I am trying to use the GridGroupingControl to produce a result like your SummaryInCaption sample, however, i wish to display several summarised columns in the caption row.
The result i am looking for is rather like the virtual tree grid i.e. the same columns line up for each level of grouping.
Is there a way to do this with the GGC? How can i access the summarised data in QueryCellStyleInfo. Please note that I am not displaying the summary rows themselves.



1 Reply

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team May 23, 2007 06:02 PM UTC

Hi Marcel,

Issue 1:
To show the nested childs in grid without indenting, you need to set the TableOptions.ShowTableIndent property of the grid to false.

grid.TableOptions.ShowTableIndent = false;

Below is a forum thread that discuss with this task.

Issue 2:
Here is a forum thread that discuss with summaries in a group.

Best regards,

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