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Combo data not displaying in GridControl

I'm populating data to a combobox cell as a stringcollection to the choicelist. However, the combobox is still empty. Here's my codes: StringCollection domainType = new StringCollection(); domainType.Add("one"); domainType.Add("two"); grid[row, 2].CellType = "ComboBox"; grid[row, 2].ChoiceList = domainType; grid[row, 2].Enabled = true; grid[row, 2].ExclusiveChoiceList = true; Thanks for your help as always.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 1, 2003 05:38 AM UTC

I tried your code in a Form_Load after dropping a GridControl on a new form. It seemed to work as expected there. I also added a button, and tried your code from a button handler, and it still seemed to work. In your case, is the cell at row, 2 set to be ReadOnly for some reason? If so, try setting grid.IgnoreReadOnly = true before your code, and then reset it to false after youe code. If that is not it, what version of teh grid are you using. Also, can you post a sample project showing the problem.

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