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GridComboBoxRenderer double click


we have a derived grid combo box cell (which is editable). Now when I make a double click in the cell I want the current value to be highlighted. The current behavior is that the value in the cell changes to the next value of the listbox. So how can I hightlight the cell value with a double click instead of switching to the next item of the listbox.


PS: I have attached a sample where you can see the behavior


1 Reply

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team April 30, 2007 03:51 PM UTC

Hi Al,

You turn off selecting the next index when user double clicks inside the cell by setting the AllowDoubleClickChangeSelectedIndex property to false. Here is a code snippet

public class MyComboBoxCellModel : GridComboBoxCellModel
public MyComboBoxCellModel(GridModel grid): base(grid)
{ this.AllowDoubleClickChangeSelectedIndex = false;
public override GridCellRendererBase CreateRenderer(GridControlBase control)
return new MyComboBoxCellRenderer(control, this);

Sample: DropDownBox_Select.zip

Best regards,

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