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Controlling DockingStyle.Tabbed window order

Hi, I'm programmatically adding new tabs to a window via the DockingManager. The new tabs are always inserted to the left of the existing tabs. I would like to reverse this behavior, so that new tabs are added to the right. I haven't found any DockingManager method that gives me any control over this. Please help. Here's the existing code: this.dockingManager1.DockControl(newTab, this.gridNavigationControlBar2, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockingStyle.Tabbed, newTab.Height); this.dockingManager1.SetDockLabel(newTab, newTab.Name ); this.dockingManager1.SetEnableDocking(newTab, true);

3 Replies

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team July 29, 2003 01:54 PM UTC

Hi Dan, The current version of the DockingManager does not provide a means to specify an insertion order for the tabs. I have logged this as a feature request and we will try to provide this functionality in a future version of Essential Tools. Please bear with us in the meantime. Please note that the DockingManager.SetEnableDocking() call in the above code snippet is not required. SetEnableDocking is needed only when not using the DockControl/FloatControl API. The DockControl method should suffice here. Prakash Syncfusion

ML Marc LaFleur April 1, 2004 05:21 PM UTC

Count me on the list of people who want this one. >Hi Dan, > >The current version of the DockingManager does not provide a means to specify an insertion order for the tabs. I have logged this as a feature request and we will try to provide this functionality in a future version of Essential Tools. Please bear with us in the meantime. > >Please note that the DockingManager.SetEnableDocking() call in the above code snippet is not required. SetEnableDocking is needed only when not using the DockControl/FloatControl API. The DockControl method should suffice here. > >Prakash >Syncfusion

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 1, 2004 08:22 PM UTC

Hi Marc, I am afraid, this feature request is yet to be addressed. I have updated the corresponding QA report #210 with your request thereby upping its priority. We will try our very best to accomodate your request in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

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