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drop down grid disappers

Hi there, I am attempting to use a dropdowngrid to display detail information that is being populated by an ArrayList. This dropdowngrid could have anywhere from 1 to 3 rows of information, so the rowcount is not static. I’m having two problems: 1) The size of the dropdowngrid is always the default size and doesn’t take the dimensions I give it ; 2) The row of the cell that is click from the parent grid disappears, and the row beneath is display instead. When that cell is re-click that row disappears and same thing happens again. This sequence keeps going until either there are no remaining rows in the main grid, or focus click on some other control. I’ve have base my dropdowngrid from the examples given Essential Suite package. I have read some previous Forms questions from people who have had the similar issues that I’m experiencing, and the common answer seems to be use DropDownGridCellRenderer. However, I’m having problems using this class. So, this leads me to these questions: 1) Will DropDownGridCellRenderer fix these problems and if so what am I doing wrong. Do you have any examples in using this class in the correct matter that I could follow as a guideline; 2) and if DropDownGridCellRenderer is not the way to go, what is? If you need more information please let me know. Thank you for your time.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 25, 2003 01:25 PM UTC

Do you see these problems in the samples that you based your code on? What kind of grids are you trying to use? Is the parentgrid a GridControl or a GridDataBoundGrid? Is your child grid a GridControl or GridDataBoundGrid? Exactly how are you trying to implement your dropdowngrid? What sample is it based on? You should check to see if any exceptions are being thrown. Maybe that is what is causing teh rows to disappear.

TN Tony Nation July 25, 2003 03:06 PM UTC

Sorry for the lack of information. The grids are unbound grid controls. Have no parent child relation. Should they?? I notice there that size of dropdowngrid is identical to my grid. I’m trying to implement it with DropDownGridCellModel. > Do you see these problems in the samples that you based your code on? > > What kind of grids are you trying to use? Is the parentgrid a GridControl or a GridDataBoundGrid? Is your child grid a GridControl or GridDataBoundGrid? > > Exactly how are you trying to implement your dropdowngrid? What sample is it based on? > > You should check to see if any exceptions are being thrown. Maybe that is what is causing teh rows to disappear.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 28, 2003 05:46 PM UTC

Tony, check out the \Grid\Samples\In Depth\DropdownGrid\CS sample. You will have to derive from GridDropDownGridCellModel and GridDropDownGridCellRenderer. In GridDropDownGridCellRenderer you need to override the CreateInnerControl method and return a reference to a grid. Stefan

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