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Multiple rows per record

I haven't found a QueryRowHeight Event for the griddataboundgrid. I'm using vb.net. Can you help me? By Kevin at 7/24/2003 9:52:28 AM I display 3 Rows per Record in a gridDataBoundGrid. Is it possible to change the height of every first row of these 3 rows to 20 and the height of every second row of these 3 rows to 30? By Clay Burch at 7/24/2003 4:21:36 PM I think you can handle the Model.QueryRowHeght to do what you described. Here is code that worked in the MultiRowRecord sample. //hook and unhook the event in the toggleMultiRowCheckBox_CheckedChanged handler so the event only fires when the mulitple rows are checked gridModel.QueryRowHeight += new GridRowColSizeEventHandler(grid_QueryRowHeight); //hooking code gridModel.QueryRowHeight -= new GridRowColSizeEventHandler(grid_QueryRowHeight); //unhooking code //the handler private void grid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, GridRowColSizeEventArgs e) { if(this.toggleMultiRowCheckBox.Checked) { GridModel gridModel = sender as GridModel; if(gridModel != null) { int row = e.Index - gridModel.Cols.HeaderCount; if(row % 3 == 0) { e.Size = 30; e.Handled = true; } else if(row % 3 == 1) { e.Size = 20; e.Handled = true; } } } }

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 25, 2003 06:03 AM UTC

It is not in GridDataBoundGrid, it is in GridDataBoundGrid.Model. Notice the code sample uses code like gridModel.QueryRowHeight where gridModel is a GridModel. If you are using VB, then you will have to use AddHandler and RemoveHandler to subscribe and unsubscribe to this event. AddHandler Me.GridDataBoundGrid1.Model.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf gridModel_QueryRowHeight

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