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treeview node operations

i implimented tree control without postback using your Tree.Refresh() clientside event and callback_refresh server side event.My problem is that i want to show a alert box saying that "added successfully".For that i want to get some data from server side like true/false.How can i impliment that? i have seen events like BeforeCallbackResponseProcessedScript.Can i return some data from serverside callback_refresh event in clientside ?

1 Reply

VA Valli Syncfusion Team April 2, 2007 06:54 AM UTC

Hi Sujith,

I have created a sample as per your requirement and you can download it from the following link:


The above sample helps you to show a alert box which prompts a message whether a new node is successfully added to the TreeView control or not.

1. 'AfterCallbackResponseProcessedScript' which specifies the script that will be executed after the callback result gets processed is defined on the serverside event TreeView1_CallbackRefresh where the TreeView nodes are being added without postback.

2. The script called by the 'AfterCallbackResponseProcessedScript' is passed with the argument 'true' or 'false',
which helps to display the status on the client side whether the node has been added successfully or not.

Please try running the sample and let me know if you have any further concerns.


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