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xptaskbar resizing

I'm using the xp task bar, and trying to get it to SMOOTHLY handle resizing the form as items are expanded/collapsed. I don't want scrollbars in the taskbar control - so whenever an item is opened or closed, I want it to resize the xptaskbar control and the form along with it. Currently, I'm using this code in the taskbox location change event If tskbarPaymentDebugInfo.Collapsed Then XpTaskBar1.Height = (tskbarPaymentDebugInfo.Location.Y + 40) Else XpTaskBar1.Height = (tskbarPaymentDebugInfo.Location.Y + 120) End If Height = XpTaskBar1.Height + 50 This kind of works, but it's buggy - I can't get the bottom taskbar to properly resize everything. I'm guess I'm either using the wrong events - or maybe there's a property or something I can just set and it'll resize the xptaskbar for me? I've tried resizing thru a variety of methods, such as the xptaskbar sizechanged, and taskbox location change events, but just can't get the right "sequence".

2 Replies

TL Tom Langer July 25, 2003 09:39 AM UTC

To reitterate my question.. After expanding/collapsing a taskbar item, what is the proper way to determine the TRUE height of the control.

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team July 28, 2003 01:26 PM UTC

Hi, There is an AfterAnimation event in the boxes that you should listen to. Regards, Praveen

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